Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome to my world.

Hello. Welcome to my sick little world. A little heavy start for a 1st blog entry i know.
How rude of me..My name first & foremost is Carmen.
Ya. Not Doctor Doom. But the broad in the green. I have decided that i wanted to create a blog. Why?
Because i love to bullshit. And as we all know, you can't bullshit a bullshitter.. Thus.. i shall spread my word.
This blog isnt mean't to be serious, where i post deep poems and quote emo songs you kids listen to nowadays.

This is the kind of blog, you can light a few candles to,play some Al Green and Snack on some jerky to.

I am going to post about things i love to talk about most:
Movies. Televison. Comics. And on occasion celebrities.

I am not a professional. The things i will write are not profound. And i will probably use profanity.
Who am i kidding. I fucking curse like a sailor. If you dont like it, you're shit out of luck.

Well. Now that i'm done with introductions. Lets hop to it:

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So i most recently watched the new remake of Nightmare on Elm Street.
Being that the first real film i can honestly remember watchin as a kid was nightmare on elm street. This integrity of this film really was held close to my heart. I think that Michael Bay did a fantastic job.
The kill scenes were amazing. Not to ruin anything. What was my favorite part about seeing this movie..
Wasn't just the film itself. More like the douchebags who also watched with us in the theater.

Take this scenario:
(sitting in a dark theater, as Freddy krueger begins to slice into a victim on screen, a cellphone alert goes off)
Woman in theater: Hey! Shut your alarm off!
( the loud mouthed woman's baby, not fucking kid, but baby sounds off & wails )
Man with cell phone: Shut your baby off!
Woman in theater: Have some fucking respect for mothers!
Man with cell phone: Have some fucking respect for freddy krueger!

I'll tell ya what folks. That baby was about 30 seconds from being chucked across the theater.
Thankfully the woman was escorted and we could watch our horror in peace.
The nerve of some people being babies into theaters.
If you're watching, i dont know for fuck sakes maybe Ice Age, bringing a baby is perfectly fine.
But to bring a baby to Nightmare on Elmstreet?.. Jesus. Do you want your kid to turn out like me?
Have a sick fascination with blood, gore and serial murderers and even be allergic to eggs?
The last part had nothing to do with the statement, I just wanted to throw it in there.

If my theater experience has proven anything to me, it proves this:
We prefer Freddy Krueger over Children. Sucess.

Back to the movie. Jackie Earle Haley did a great job as freddy. Though it took him a while to get the smart ass remarks we're used to with robert englund's portrayl of krueger, he did a fantastic job.

Jackie's freddy legitmately looked like a burn Victim. And robert's more so mimiced a sexual predator with bacon on his face. Mmm bacon. And mmm robert englund.

If you ask me: Is nightmare on elm street worth watching?
The answer is yes. Just dont bring your baby.
Unless you're willing to understand there is a chance someone may chuck it with great fury..
Across the theater.

SIDE NOTE: incase Robert englund or Michael Bay reads this blog:
i'd make a great addition to the next film
I can't promise i wont stalk you around the set.. but i am really really good at pretending to be dead.
May this face haunt you all.. all..

Onto our next Film i recently saw, brings me to Iron man 2:

Fanastastic sequel! Filled with action! Love! Booze!Armor Suit cases! And mickey rourke..being russian..
I said Booze right?... YES! BOOZE!

Robert Downey Jr. was, and is the perfect actor to play tony stark:

Booze - check. Money - check. Good looks - check.
Ability to stay away from Sam jackson in a trench coat and eye patch - check.

Kudos R.D.J. But the true hero award of this movie goes to...

Mickey Rourke's bird in the movie! Not only did he get to hang out with Mickey, RDJ & Scarlett..
But he was stayed his feathery ass out of trouble &
stayed in the homeland & probably died before mickey rourke tried to eat him! Because mickey looks like someone i'd see in downtown behind a dumpter, asking for "tree fitty". Then you'd find out M.R. was actually the lochness monster.. And..Well..
That's my assumption of what the bird fate WOULD have been if he went along for the ride.

Speaking of Scarlett Look at her:

I dont even have anything to say about her being black widow. Just look at her...
Done. Cut. Scene. Print. Clean yourself up.

I hope you all enjoyed reading. Stay classy until next time.


1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh Yeah! Shit now I can get a semi daily dose of hardcore Carmenisims... My life could only be better if I was there to get them in person.
