This means you are absolutely bored & cannot help but read my blog.
you... its all you man..
You may know him from a few little films he's done..
Oh.. just...
el mariachi, once upon a time in mexico, desperado, planet terror and from dusk till dawn
Well he's got two films coming up.
There is : MACHETE!
We've been waiting for this film since it was a faux trailer, during grindhouse!!!
The badass himself Danny Trejo stars in the films, playing
along side him in the film are stars like:
Robert Dinero, Don Johnson, Steven Segal, Jessica Alba!
Cheech Marin, Michelle Rodriguez..and the dreaded Li-Lo.
The movie is rumored to be coming out in theaters: Sept 3, 2010..
Get your coronas & guns ready for a kick ass time.
Also Antibiotics, with lindsay lohan on screen you may catch something.
I do not truly think you'll catch anything from viewing Li-Lo on screen..
But just incase..bring something. Wetnaps. Hand sanitizer. Airborne
And our Next Rodriguez Flick is.. PREDATOR!
Ah yes we had to give T-pain a job sometime didnt we?
This nice little reboot is going to test the living meat and two veg. of Adrien Brody Looks like your Pianist skills don't come in handy now Snout Master.
May the force be with you..
But let predator still kick your ass..
Like literally. Then use that hook thing to rip out your intestines.
Too far.. okay..
And now for my WTF? of the week:
Ya. No. This picture isn't playful majestic marine animal play.
This is a killer whale.. beating the shit out of a dolphin.
And for those of you who didnt know.. orca whales.. are big fucking dolphins.
Ya take that South Africans. We seen't it.
No way i've giving the save the whales conservation a dime.
Not only do dolphins kill their own family! But they assasinate humans!
Take this big Fellow Tillikum. Remember him?
A couple months ago. Murdered his trainer over at Seaworld.
Ya turns out he's a serial killer.
Killed a dude in Canada..with the help of two females.
Basically led a whale Manson family
Then.. killed a naked guy who hopped the fence in Orlando.
But hey, if i was the biggest whale in captivity, who birthed like 17 kids.
I'd assume Seaworld would look the other way for me too.
You know people we were prepared for all of these whale attack occurences.
Anyone see the movie ORCA?
You piss one of them off.. And you've got hell to pay.
I'd like to see Michael Jackson do the soundtrack for that!
Wait he's dea.. Nevermind
Alright. Hope you all enjoyed.
Stay away from dolphins and lindsay lohan & have a great weekend.
- Carmen